An all new style for BMT Group
24 June, 2021
Change is a natural process. Nature changes with the coming and going of different seasons and humans change too. That’s just as well. As we evolve, we gain new perspectives and ideas about what our lives should look like. It is therefore only natural that organisations should embrace change too. And that’s just what we’ve done. As of this week, you’ll find that the BMT Group has adopted a new house style. A part of that also involves a brand new website for the BMT Group as well as IGW and VCST.

A customer-centric move
This whole new website is fully aimed towards being an even better partner for our customers. Indeed, it focusses more on visualising our products as well as the applications in which they are used. As such, their importance in the customer’s eventual solution becomes clearer as well. Another advantage of this new style is that we can better show the pride we have in our work and how eager we are to transfer that pride to our customers.

As you would imagine, we are very excited about this change as we are convinced that it is the perfect support for our natural growth as an organisation and as it supports our desire to remain leaders in our field. And although our house style and website might have changed, we remain determined to offer the same high-quality service to our customers. We invite you to take a look at our new website via this link: