IGW carries on in challenging times
6 May, 2020
At this moment, coronavirus has brought the world to a bit of a standstill. This also has an effect on many companies who are forced to reduce their activities in these challenging times. Nevertheless, we at IGW try our utmost to keep producing in each of our plants, all within the guidelines set out by the local governments. Our plant in Oostkamp especially is committed to maintain steady production while also taking into account the safety guidelines. We keep looking positively towards the future, now more than ever.
Steady continuation
Throughout the last few weeks, both our management and employees in Oostkamp contributed to developing our workspaces so that all safety measures are in place and under control, in order to ensure the output and deliveries to our customers.
As can be seen below, all the necessary measures – from social distancing to temperature checks and sanitising our hands regularly – are diligently applied.
It is delightful to see the enthusiasm of our staff to keep working in these exceptional times. They deserve a heartfelt thank you for their motivation and hard work during a time in which we all need as much positivity as possible. After all, these are indeed strange times, but now more than ever, we can show our spirit of togetherness. That spirit would mean nothing without the dedicated work of our employees. Together, we will carry on and overcome this challenging period.
Supplying healthcare institutions
The products that we make at our plant in Oostkamp can be divided into two categories. On the one hand, we machine aluminium frames. These are used as a main component in the assembly of diagnostic and treatment scanners produced by one of the world’s leading medical companies. On the other hand, we make gears for a wide array of applications. The gears that we make at our plant in Oostkamp are, among many other applications, destined for compressors needed in the healthcare environment.